Product Configuration: 6 cards per pack, 8 packs per box, 20 boxes per case
BOX BREAK: Eight, 1st 2nd and 3rd Star of the Night(Vets and Rookies) and/or Highly anticipated cards. Four, Debut Ticket Access Cards(Includes Parallels). Two Tech Cards. One Base Set Parallel Card. One, Autograph or Non-Auto Acetate card.
The newest edition of Upper Deck Credentials sports a 200-card base set which includes a 100-card, serially-#d Debut Ticket Access rookie subset split into four tiers of rarity. The parallel lineup is deep and colorful! There are 10 parallels of the veterans and nine parallels of the rookies, highlighted by the shared Pink (#d to 49), Green (#d to 25), Purple (#d to 10 & Hobby-exclusive), Gold (#d to 5) and Black (#d 1-of-1) parallels. There is also a horizontal variant of the complete Debut Ticket Access rookie subset which features the same serially-#d tiers as well as the same colorful parallel lineup. Collect one (1) base set parallel card and four (4) Debut Ticket Access cards (regular/parallel; includes horizontal variants) per box, on average.