Product Configuration: 7 cards per pack, 15 packs per box, 16 boxes per case
BOX BREAK: Box Break average: 15 base set SP cards, 5 1997-98 Championship Retros Cards, 3 eX Century Cards, 1 Blast Furnace or Smooth Acetate Card, 1 Energ-Eyes Card(includes gold), and 4 Chopped, Premium Prospects, Ring Heroes and/or Uno, Dos, Trios Cards.
2023 AEW Skybox Metal Universe delivers an impressive lineup of iconic cards to AEW fans and collectors in general. The list includes, but is not limited to, 1997-98 Championship Retros, Jambalaya, PMG and Premium Prospects cards. The base set, which features the biggest names in AEW today, consists of 100 regular cards and 50 SPs (the best-of-the-best). Collect one Base Set SP card (Pinfalls or Indispensable) from every pack, on average! There are a variety of compelling parallels: Red PMG (#d to 100), Green PMG (#d to 10) and Gold PMG (#d 1-of-1) parallels of the complete base set, and Silver Auto, Green Auto (#d to 10) and Gold Auto (#d 1-of-1) parallels of the first 100 cards. Also keep an eye out for Printing Plates from the complete base set. The 1997-98 Championship Retros set features 50 AEW stars on the classic 1997-98 Metal Universe design. Each wrestlers card sports a unique space-themed background. Collect five cards from this set from every box, on average! There are also Purple Spectrum FX (#d to 199) and Red (#d to 100, 11-100), Green (#d to 100, 1-10) and Gold PMG (#d 1-of-1) parallels, as well as Printing Plates.