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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Grav Trains Paizo PZO7338
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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Grav Trains

Item # PZO7338
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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Grav Trains
Whether sailing above the skyline of a futuristic metropolis or moving through the deserts of a red planet, theres always a grav-train when you need one. This double-sided map features a futuristic train moving through a narrow path perfect for a timely ambush, while the other side has two luxury passenger trains moving side-by-side over a nighttime city. Starfinder Flip-Mats present ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Grav-Trains, theres always the chance for high action while riding the rails!A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy-simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  Product NameStarfinder Flip-Mat: Grav Trains
  Brand NamePaizo
  Item #PZO7338
  Case Count1
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